AtGames Flashback Zone products Open Source Software source code distribution page

Some of the products in AtGames Flashback zone include open source software ("OSS") distributed under the terms of various open source licenses, including the GNU General Public License version 2.0, the GNU General Public License version 3.0, the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, the 3-Clause BSD License, and the MIT License (collectively, the "OSS Licenses"). This website is the OSS source code distribution page for such AtGames products. Please select the relevant product from the list below to obtain more information about OSS included in that product.

About OSS included in the Atari Flashback console

The Atari Flashback 9, Atari Flashback 9 Gold and Atari Flashback X console includes OSS distributed under OSS Licenses. In accordance with the OSS Licenses, we are making the source code of the OSS available to you.
*Please note that the OSS is provided without warranty of any kind.

Atari Flashback Size: 989.55KB

About OSS included in the Legends Flashback console

The Legends Flashback console includes OSS distributed under OSS Licenses. In accordance with the OSS Licenses, we are making the source code of the OSS available to you.
*Please note that the OSS is provided without warranty of any kind.

Legends Flashback Size: 21.98MB

About OSS included in the Sega Genesis Flashback console

The Sega Genesis Flashback console includes OSS distributed under OSS Licenses. In accordance with the OSS Licenses, we are making the source code of the OSS available to you.
*Please note that the OSS is provided without warranty of any kind.

Sega Genesis Flashback Size: 6.7MB

Commercial licensed from Charles MacDonald and Eke-Eke.

Commercial licensed from Mednafen team.